
Lots of Crisps!

9th June 2017

Last week a generous donation arrived at the Bradford North Foodbank warehouse –  over 39kgs of crisps and similar savoury snacks. Following a marketing event in the Bradford area, PepsiCo rang and asked if we could make use of the crisps and snacks they had left over.

foodbank_crisp_donationAll foodbank donations are weighed when they arrive at the warehouse – crisps aren’t very heavy, but the picture shows the scale of the donation, which totalled hundreds of individual packets of crisps and snacks.

Although crisps are not included in the core meal items of a food parcel, it’s nice to be able to include extra snack items as part of a balanced diet. They are often a very welcome treat, particularly for families with children who make use of the foodbank service.

A massive thank you to PepsiCo for considering us for this kind donation, as well as to our warehouse manager Carol who filled her car full to the brim with snacks!

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