Host A PCP
Information and publicity materials for hosting a Permanent (food) Collection Point
What Do You Need?
- A container which has a permanent position in your organisation’s premises e.g. entrance hall, office. The size & appearance of the container is up to you!
- Publicity both on and near the PCP, so people know what is needed and where to put it.
- A named PCP coordinator.
Role of PCP Coordinator:
- Be the contact point for communications from the foodbank admin team (urgent stock requests, e-news every 3-4 months)
- Publicise the PCP and encourage people to donate
- Organise delivery of your food donations to our warehouse on a regular basis
- Complete a PCP Registration Form and return it to our office.
- Read the open letter to PCP Coordinators (includes information about delivering your donations).
Publicity (see sidebar for previews)
Container Labels to Download:
Other Publicity To Use On or Near your Collection Point:
- Shopping Lists and Foodbank Introduction Shopping List on one A4 page and foodbank introduction on another page. The two pages can be put side-by-side in an A3 laminating pouch to create a single A3 poster – see picture of earlier version in sidebar. [Note: If you encounter problems printing the Shopping List page, here is the page in jpg format.]
- ‘Yes Please! We really need……’ poster . Laminate this A4 poster and manually add items that we urgently need (using a whiteboard pen or similar), to help your donors donate items in short supply. Contact us for an update or use the Foodbank App or use the Donate Food page of this website to discover if there are any items to list in the ‘Urgent Needs’ box on the poster.
Available from our office:
- Trifold leaflets about our foodbank. Please contact us to arrange delivery / collection.