Co-op Donates £2,493 from Local Community Fund
5th December 2017
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For the second time local Coop members nominating our foodbank, plus money raised from the sale of plastic carrier bags in the Wrose and Thorpe Garth stores have have led to a donation from the Coop Local Community Fund: nearly £2,500.
Thank you so much! The money will be used to purchase items which are low in stock, as well as essentials items not readily thought of in a food parcel, for example toilet rolls, cleaning products and laundry powder.
Back in April 2017, the Bradford North Foodbank was chosen to receive funding from the Coop Community Fund in the BD18 and BD10 areas. The fund works by donating 1% of members spend on Co-op branded products and services to local causes, and members can choose which cause their contribution goes to.
Volunteers from the foodbank attended the Wrose Road store to collect their cheque, and were greeted by a celebration and some delicious baking.